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About ACSC

Aotearoa Climate Strike Coalition (ACSC) was created in the start of 2023 off the back of a successful Aotearoa-wide climate strike earlier in the year. Our coalition is made of School Strike for Climate groups, Fridays for Future groups, and other passionate climate activists around the motu.

School Strike for Climate saw massive success in their 2019 climate strikes, which brought over 100,000 kiwis together to demand that the government declared that Aotearoa was in a climate emergency. Shortly after the strikes, the government did declare a climate emergency.

But we have not yet seen the government enact climate justice that meets the urgency a national emergency requires, so we are continuing pressure the government, through climate strikes and other forms of activism. We have four key demands that we want to see the next elected government enact within their first 100 days of power:

  • Prioritise Te Tiriti climate justice.

  • Reduce emissions by 50% by 2030, without relying on emissions offsetting.​

  • Enable a 100% transition to regenerative agriculture by 2030.​

  • Lower the voting age to 16.

We hope to be an accessible starting point for people of all ages to engage in climate activism. We understand that it is easy to feel helpless sometimes in the face of the climate emergency, but we truly believe that people power is essential in the fight for a just Aotearoa and world.

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